Cookies Policy

Following the guidelines of the Indonesian Agency for Data Protection, we proceed to inform you in detail about the use of cookies made on our website.

What are cookies?

A cookie refers to a file that is sent for the purpose of requesting permission to be stored on your computer, when accepting said file is created and the cookie then serves to have information regarding web traffic, and also facilitates future visits to a website recurrent. Another function that cookies have is that with them the web can be recognized individually and therefore provide the best personalized service.

You can accept or deny the use of cookies, however most browsers automatically accept cookies because it serves to have a better web service. You can also change the configuration of your computer to decline cookies.

The cookies can be own or from third parties. Own are those generated by the page you are visiting (in this case AflikSoft) and those of third parties are those generated by external services or providers such as Facebook, Twitter, Google AdSense, etc.

Own cookies

This website works under the blog hosting platform known as Blogger. Blogger is a platform offered by Google Inc. that allows the Owner to design, execute and host this website, therefore, it contains its own legal document regarding cookies, which you can read here.

Third party cookies

Google Analytics: Google helps AflikSoft to analyze the use made by users of the website and improve the usability of it, but in no case are associated with data that could get to identify the user. Google Analytics, is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc., The user can check here the type of cookies used by Google.

Google AdSense: Google uses cookies to determine which ads will be displayed on the websites of its partners, for example, websites that display Google ads or that are part of Google-certified advertising networks. When a user accesses the website of a Google partner, a cookie may be stored in their browser. The use of advertising cookies allows Google and its partners to display ads based on visits made by users to their websites or other Internet websites.

Disqus: Disqus is a free service belonging to the Zeta Global organization, located in San Francisco, California, United States. Disqus allows you to add comments through different elements belonging to this website, and uses the cookies corresponding to the previous identifications on this website or in any other to save your session each time you use the same computer. The user can check here the type of cookies used by Disqus.

Social networks: Social network cookies can be stored in your browser while browsing AflikSoft for example, when you use the button to share content from in a social network. Then you have information about cookies social networks using this web in their own policies of cookies:

Can cookies be deleted?

You can delete and block cookies, in a general or particular way for a specific domain. To remove cookies from a website you must go to the configuration of your browser and there you can search the associated to the domain in question and proceed to its removal.

If you wish you can disable Google Analytics tracking with a add-on for the browser offered by Google. You can also disable custom Google advertising. To do this, you must access Ad Preferences. If you do not want other providers to use cookies for personalized advertising, you must access

More information about cookies

You can consult the regulation on cookies published by the Indonesian Agency for Data Protection in its "Guide on the use of cookies" and obtain more information about cookies on the Internet,

If you want to have more control over the installation of cookies, you can install programs or add-ons to your browser, known as "Do Not Track" tools, which will allow you to choose the cookies you want to allow.

This cookie policy has been updated for the last time on 06-06-2019.