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Saturn, the planet with the rings. It is really the most beautiful planet of the solar system. Located two times fart…

The Earth Satellite

Sometimes white, sometimes red, crescent-shaped, oval or perfectly round, the Moon has been the faithful companion of…

How The Earth Moves

We all know that earth’s always rotate from the beginning to present, but what we are going to ask is, how Earth real…

Observe the Sky

Astronomy is a beautiful pastime that allows you to escape into space during your spare time and to observe sparkling…


Jupiter, Zeus, the god of Olympus, is 773 million km from the Sun, 5 times farther than the Earth and revolves around…

Asteroid Hunting

In the recent NASA budget approval, US Congress gave the thumbs down to the Asteroid Initiative program, raising ques…

A Procession of 9 Planets

Apart from our star, the Sun, and some small stars (comets, asteroids, etc.), the solar system includes 8 planets tha…

How to Find a Supermassive Black Hole

Deep in the night sky, in the constellation of Sagittarius, shrouded by interstellar gas and dust, lies a mysterious …


To answer Pascal’s philosophical questions concerning our place in the universe and the passionate interest of the pu…

Our Milky Way

Our Galaxy forms a disc a little thicker in the center that is observed in profile, which is why the Milky Way seems …